Grado TLZ ???

Hi, just purchased a grado cartridge. It is the gold with a TLZ "v" stylus. The TLZ v is engraved. How do you tell the signature? Does anyone know if this info is available and if so where? Thanks
Thanks to Raul, I have been listening to my TLZ of late. I bought it new about 20 odd years ago (very odd, indeed). After cleaning and enhancing the contacts, it still holds up. I am not sure the XTZ was much of a real improvement. I don't recall the XTC at all. Maybe by then I had moved on to MC cartridges, for better or worse.
Measure the coil resistance. If it's a Prestige Gold it's going to be somewhere around 470 ohms. IIRR - the TLZ is way lower than that -around 70 ohms or so ?
You may have what I'm listening to right now - a FrankenGrado - a standard output (4.5 mV or a little less) body with a upgraded stylus assembly in it.If you hook this up it will be obvious - if it's Signature stylus in a Signature body - you'll have to turn the gain up quit a bit. if it's a Prstige or other "standard" body with TLZv stylus - it will be about as "loud" as any other mag cart.
Lovely sounding in either case.
I am now playing the TLZ and it is a 1.5 mV. This is a very enjoyable cartridge and to think I purchased the cartridge for less than a $100 including a new stylus. Finding these cartridges is work, I guess patience is a must.
Lew and anyone else using this cartridge, where is a good starting point for the VTA? I am level at the present time and the bass is not as good as I would expect. I only have a couple of hours of playing time and will experiment some more. Thanks to all who commented on this cartridge.
In general, lowering the pivot point will tend to favor low frequencies. But don't go overboard with that, because the cartridge will sound dull eventually. I am listening to the TLZ level with the pivot and have no complaints about bass response. However, mine has developed some distortion of late, for reasons that elude me. In fact, back in the good old days, I am pretty sure I used positive VTA (pivot up with respect to cartridge body).