NAD 533 Rega P2 worth upgrading?

Wondering if it be worth it to throw some money into my NAD 533 table? Knowing that my phono preamp could use an upgrade as well as my amp, I'm just toying with where to spend money.

I'd like to get more volume and presence out of my system.

As far as what I am looking as as far as money-

table upgrades
$300-$500 on phono preamp
$750ish on amp
best mods i did on my NAD were the better subplatter and glass platter. I also used different bearings in the well.

the table suffers from wow which always always bugged me. The better subplatter and heavier glass platter alleviated that almost entirely.

the VTAF was nice to have for VTA but also to decouple that arm. The plinth is poor and how i know this is that i moved the arm to a different table and it really showed it's worth on a TD111 Thorens idler.

Rewiring the arm brought a higher level of detail and sweeter inner detail.

Was it worth it? I dismantled the table when I moved to a Techncis 1200. i like that table more but really wish i'd kept the NAD as a second table. My advice is if you do mod it keep it. Always have two of everything.
Thanks for all of the advice. I think that it might be a better idea to just keep any upgrades to the table to a minimum because I can see myself upgrading to a VPI in the next 10 years. I'm slow at upgrading plus I have a baby on the way.

I'm thinking this might be the route I go...

-new cartridge (probably a Denon DL160)
-platter upgrade (glass or acrylic)

Phono Preamp (depending on price, and availablity)
-Bottlehead Seduction
-Jolida JD-9
-Rogue Stealth
-anything I am missing in this price range?

-down the road a bit
I had an NAD 533 with a Rega RB-250 arm and a Goldring Elektra pick-up. I upgraded the platter to Rega glass .....TREMENDOUS improvement. I then sold the NAD rig, and bought a brand new Rega P3-24/Exact 2 set-up. A year later, I splurged, and got the TT-PSU power stage. I'm now in a state of analog music heaven. My NAD was wonderful, but I'm now enjoying a whole new level of quality, warmth, harmonics, and musical presence. Good Luck, and Happy Listening !