Schroeder Reference Arm

Hi Folks:

The great Peter Lederman of Soundsmith uses this arm on his VPI HRX Turntable.

What was surprising about Peter's rig is that as much as I respect and like the HRX, I always find it's sound slightly clinical; however the addition of the Schroeder arm made the table sound slightly richer and less clinical while blowing my mind with it's dynamics and accuracy. Has anyone else noticed or tried this? I am experienced enough in this hobby to understand that the tonearm and cartridge provide voicing for the system but a tonearm swap on a turntable of this quality surprised me with the overall change it made. It goes without saying that I think the JMW tonearm series made by VPI are excellent.


Hi Frank,

I wish this forum software allowed you to edit posts. I noticed another point that needed clarification.

Of course, the optimal torque (absolute value) for an aluminum headshell Model-2 will likely be different from the screw torque required for a wood headshell DPs/Reference.

My point was centered on the user without a fine torque wrench, and the end-user's perception/feel that with the aluminum headshell, the right torque (whatever its absolute value) is s more of a go/no-go sort of thing, than with the wooden headshells which compress.

Does this make sense? I don't want to put words in your mouth.

Thom, you are welcome.

i'd like to say i don't consider myself in league with Frank or Joel in judgement of cartridge performance. i also want to point out that i have not spoken to Joel about the use of the A90 for this process and cannot say that he will agree. i in no way speak for him and wanted to clarify that in case any inference might have been taken. his A90 is not yet fully broken in last i spoke to him.

i simply offer my A90 if it helps.
Thanks Mike for your offer to bring your A90 for Frank! Very nice of you.

I'm happy to settle on the A90 for this session, so I'll bring mine. If we indeed do a first set up before switching to the A90, I'll use Thom's VX-1S.

Hi guys,
Sorry for the long pauses between replies. THANKS to Mike, I'll be at the RMAF from Thursday around noon, so I'm sure there'll be enough time to get reasonably close to what can be achieved under show conditions.
I favor a two cart session, the A90 first, then whatever favorite Joel and myself pull out of our hats.
And we're all in the same league when it comes to cartridge evaluations :-)
Thom, no problem about the incorrect quote. What's important is that every little detail makes a difference(as long as your system can resolve it). Whether a particular difference means anything to you(is worth tons of money) is another question...


How I wish I had not forgotten to attend this comparison.

Please someone tell us your impressions.