Thanks for the info., I'm new to vinyl so I'm relying on others to do the set-up. Info. like what's in this thread greatly assists me in learning.
My friend spent some time last night setting it up, in the end he seemed to be having issues with anti-skating and the arm wanting to move outwards when dropping the needle. Didn't really get to spin any vinyl just too late and not properly set-up, he did put on a pce that I had not heard before that he uses to test and at that point made reference to saying you will need to hook-up the Audia Flight because there isn't enought gain in the VAC phono. At this point I did not question him because he wasn't done and I had no reference to base such on, he is coming back tomorrow and once set-up and if he feels the same way I'll ask, hopefuly get to hook-up the Audia Flight and hear what he is talking about.
I have plenty of SPL's with my RedBook line stage, most recordings I listen to the volume at set slightly before 9 and slightly above 10 o'clock.
My speakers are MBL 101E, amps are Bryston 28 Squared mono blocks.
I called VAC today and spoke to Brian, apparently I have it hooked up correctly otherwise I would not hear any music. Two dials on the back for phono section, one for switching to either MC or MM and the other for load. Brian said if I need more gain 6db is available by changing some jumpers and wires inside which of course involves sodering etc.,my preference would be not to do this.
I asked Brian which carts he feels are ideal for the VAC and he mentioned any which are 0.7mv, big difference from what I have at 0.3mv.
I await to see what happens tomorrow and will post the results.
Thanks for the info., I'm new to vinyl so I'm relying on others to do the set-up. Info. like what's in this thread greatly assists me in learning.
My friend spent some time last night setting it up, in the end he seemed to be having issues with anti-skating and the arm wanting to move outwards when dropping the needle. Didn't really get to spin any vinyl just too late and not properly set-up, he did put on a pce that I had not heard before that he uses to test and at that point made reference to saying you will need to hook-up the Audia Flight because there isn't enought gain in the VAC phono. At this point I did not question him because he wasn't done and I had no reference to base such on, he is coming back tomorrow and once set-up and if he feels the same way I'll ask, hopefuly get to hook-up the Audia Flight and hear what he is talking about.
I have plenty of SPL's with my RedBook line stage, most recordings I listen to the volume at set slightly before 9 and slightly above 10 o'clock.
My speakers are MBL 101E, amps are Bryston 28 Squared mono blocks.
I called VAC today and spoke to Brian, apparently I have it hooked up correctly otherwise I would not hear any music. Two dials on the back for phono section, one for switching to either MC or MM and the other for load. Brian said if I need more gain 6db is available by changing some jumpers and wires inside which of course involves sodering etc.,my preference would be not to do this.
I asked Brian which carts he feels are ideal for the VAC and he mentioned any which are 0.7mv, big difference from what I have at 0.3mv.
I await to see what happens tomorrow and will post the results.