Well Tempered Amadeus turntable, giant killer?

From all that I have read, it seems to be a giant killer, but no discussion here. I am probably going to buy one as soon as I get back to my main system.
Slipknot1, no I love it, but I have had several reports that the Well Tempered Amadeus is better than much more expensive tts.
For goodness sakes, try to listen to it before spending your money, given that you already own one or more turntables that I would guess are as good or better. Having had extensive listening experience (~10 years) with my best friend's WT Reference, I do not get the hysteria over the Well Tempered products, but to be fair I have not heard the Amadeus. This is not to say that the Reference is bad but rather that it just does not elicit anything near to euphoria in me. I wouldn't trade any of my six turntables for it, lets put it that way.
Lewm, good advice, although, the Amadeus is quite different (for the better) than the WT Reference. Tell your friend to go have a listen.