Isn't it better to be able to rule out one importantant aspect of cartridge allignment so other sensitive issues can be addressed? Example: Tom Port tried to get me to not spend "big bucks :on a VTF meter, saying you can do it by ear. Well, yeah!. But who wants to start at a far off place only to find later that their search could have been made so much easier with a quality scale?
If you want to be Daniel Boone, go ahead, My time is impotant to me and worth a lot of money.
II'd rather spend the bucks on a quality device that will get me in the right direction. This will also allow me to check any variations I migjht suspect rather than fretting over what might be!
If you want to be Daniel Boone, go ahead, My time is impotant to me and worth a lot of money.
II'd rather spend the bucks on a quality device that will get me in the right direction. This will also allow me to check any variations I migjht suspect rather than fretting over what might be!