where do i go from here?

thinking about upgrading again and was wondering where people thought i should go, i.e., what's my weakest link and what upgrade would give me the most sound difference for the buck? thanks in advance. this is my first post but i've been reading for a while and find most of the comments posted extrememly helpful.

I've been upgrading via used equipment for a while (everything at this point except the cd player i picked up used) so i'm looking to go that route again.

Components i've been looking at include the Talon Khorus' in a speaker, the Electrocompaniet or Meridian 508.24 in cd players and the Bel Canto's in a bridged monoblock setup but i'm still not sure what makes the most sense. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

i'm currently using:

Thiel 3.6
Conrad Johnson MF 2300
Conrad Johnson PV12
Meridian 506.20

At this point, for my ears, the biggest weakness in the system is the lack of bass which makes the thiels a little forward sounding in the upper ranges.
Think about getting a Rel Strata III subwoofer. It has a
highly configurable crossover system with tight, tuneful
bass and more than adequate power for all but the largest
rooms. I'm using one with Magenpan speakers which are
historically very difficult to integrate with a subwoofer,
and the combo sounds terrific.
thanks jvogt. haven't heard a subwoofer yet that to my ears doesn't sound muddy but i haven't heard the rel strata's nor had i thought about adding a subwoofer as a possible upgrade solution. thanks for the food for thought.

dan karan
What kind of cables? I have a pair of Thiel 3.6 also. Have you tried moving the speakers closer to the back wall?
You might try changing the speakers first and see you get the result you want. The CJ equipment shouldn't be forward at all (well, a little, but it should be warm enough to compensate nicely) and in just about every system I've heard with your Thiel's, I thought they were on the bright side, but not at all shy on bass. It could be that in your setup, the bass is getting diffused somehow, or that you have them poorly placed to bring out the bottom end. I agree with glen that some repositioning might be in order before you take the plunge into new equipment.

As for recommendations, I can't be of too much help with the specific equipment you mentioned, although I'm certain that you'll find more bottom end slam with the Bel Cantos than with the CJ amp. However, you'll also find that the timbre of the sound will change as well, so you might want to try them side by side (if possible) before you make any firm decisions.

-- Ken
thanks glen and ken for your suggestions.

unfortunately, i have no flexiblility when it to speaker placement due to the room (my "listening room" is also my living room). The speakers are already close to the wall so not much more i can do on that front.

As for cables, i know i don't have great stuff so maybe your suggestions make sense before i start upgrading equipment. currently i am using a kimber cable speaker cable (forget which one but the cable itself is black and grey if that helps). From the amp to the pre-amp i'm using an MIT Terminator 5 and for the pre-amp to cd i think it's an interconnect (or is that interlink?) -- again forget which ones but if i remember they were under $100. Still think upgrading the cables is worth a shot? if so, i'd love some suggestions as this is one area i'm still fairly ignorant about.

thanks again for all of the help.