Some general information for the lazy User. I am one of those with RCM. My experience the last 12 years with cleaning fluids (please notice, I don't write what is good, better, best, I don't know all fluids). I started 12 years ago with a VPI 16.5 and the VPI cleaning fluid. It is a concentrate. Later I read a lot about home made fluids and the rip off pricing from commercial fluids and I tried my own stuff. In a lot of mixes, I had contact to Audiophiles, we talked endless about how many parts of "this" in "that" and it was a good time.
Years later I got a Keith Monks and was impressed how much more information I was able to hear after cleaning with this kind of Design (Point nozzle). I went ahead with fluids, I bought real expensive ones and after years I realized, no matter what I do, some records won't get silent. Well, to make a long story short, when the vinyl has problems (cooling process, noisy vinyl), I could do everything, it got a bit better, but far away from the results I had with the old vinyl from pre 1990.
Last year I thought, no matter what I use and no matter how good the RCM is, sometimes it is the way it is. Waste of time.
I gave up this Cleaning Fluid Odyssey and went back to the cheap stuff, the one from VPI. and my results are as great as with 10x more expensive fluids.
And I like the results. It is clean.
And those which still have tics, pops have it even after 10 cleaning runs.
That's the way it is.