2010 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is quickly approaching. I’m planning to use this thread to capture anticipated analog related information about the show as well as impressions.

The past three years of RMAF visits have been fun, entertaining, and rewarding. I go to the show for many reasons but mostly to meet other music lovers/audiophiles and industry professionals. The diversity of music, equipment, and personalities are very interesting to me. A link to last year's comments can be found here: 2009 RMAF Comments

There should be quite a few interesting things going on at this year’s RMAF. If you haven’t attended the show, you should seriously consider going. I’ll post a few things I anticipate seeing at this year's RMAF in the tread reply below.

I’ve also found out that AudiogoN member Cello has set up a meet and greet on Friday night @ Garcia's Restaurant located across the street from the Marriot. More details to follow. The past two meet and greets in 2008 and 2009 have been very enjoyable. I expect the same from this one as well.

Please feel free to post your attendance plans now and your analog experiences after the show.

I'm looking forward to meeting many of you at the show,
Dre I do indeed remember the pleasant evening we spent in Garcias. I hope you are still enjoying your TW turntable.

I hope RMAF is as good as last year and the weather is as great. I bought overcoats and sweaters last year, thinking the snow would be falling in Colorado by October and the weather was hot.

I'm considering attending this year's RMAF. How crowded does the fest will get over the weekend? I'm flying into Denver and currently debating if I should get there mid afternoon Friday and departing early on Sunday or arriving mid morning on Saturday and departing on Sunday eve...

Thoughts and/or recommendations appreciated.

Mike, Frankly, I found it so big, that few of the rooms were really busy, unless some special Dem was going on. Because it is so big, it pays to give it as long as possible. I started Friday at opening time and had to leave Sunday morning. My wife decided she needed to see the Botanical Gardens, give me strength.
I realised afterwards, I missed some important rooms.
The rooms seem to about the same, regardless of the time of day.
I will be there, too. I am on a quest for high-ish efficiency, high-impedance full range speakers that can work well with my Atma-sphere amps and pose a challenge to my present Sound Lab M1s in terms of coherency and transparency. I hope to listen to Coincident, Daedalus, etc, etc. Otherwise, it will be interesting to see and perhaps meet the humans I know only by their products or as posters of posts on this and other websites. Staying at the Marriott.