Graham Phantom B44 2 or Taela ?

Am seriously contemplating a 2nd tonearm on a TW AC1. The TT currently has a Triplanar 7 mark 2 with a Transfiguration Orpheus L cart and a Nagra VPS Phonostage, which will stay. Was pretty keen on the Graham B44 with a Lyra Titan i. Am unlikely to get to audition either.
Would love to hear from A'goners who have experienced the Taela in their systems. , more specifically anyone who has done a comparison with the Phantom. Admittedly there are many subjective variables in such an excercise, but any views/comments would be most welcome.
Many thanks.
I read that in the meantime there is already a 2nd generation version of the Talea. Can someone please explain the improvements of this version as compared to the "old" one?
Hi Gemini05,

details are still forth-coming as the un-veiling will be this weekend at RMAF. Most of the changes are in materials selection, but there is also a refinement to the VTA tower that features a better coupling when the VTA tower is locked in place. I haven't heard the new generation Talea (mine is down the list, behind customers who have already placed orders), but I know Joel is very excited about the improvements over the first gen. The first gen Talea is very, very good so I expect this new one will be spectacular.

dealer disclaimer

You need to update your system photos to include that remarkable looking Talea on your Galibier. See you and the new arm at RMAF.
i own an original Talea, and am on the list for the newer 2nd gen Talea.

Joel did do some listening tests in my system of the various 2nd generation changes as he went along; he visited 6 or 7 times over the summer. it was a real privledge being involved (watching and listening). the changes to the 2nd gen Talea (as i understand them to be from my memory) include a new arm wand both in shape and wood, a different tower clamping system which makes it easier for on-the-fly VTA, different metalurgy to the tower and bearing, an arm rest (very clever), and new metal finishes (the dark nickel is stunning).

the original Talea is a ground breaking design. wonderful.

the 2nd gen (the final version that i listened to which may not be the very final version) is breathtaking. it was beyond anyone's expectations. these are not incremental tiny improvements; it's a new ballgame to my ears in my system.