Why mono?

Can someone explain why the need for a mono cartridge when all I have to do is throw the switch on my preamp in the mono position?
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Thanks again, I really don't have that many mono records to take that kind of plunge! I was just curious why Grado makes one.
Hi Elizabeth,
Just one more question, if you use a mono cartridge would only one channel work?
I have a Miyajima Premium BE mono cartridge mounted on a Triplanar tonearm and it is terrific on mono recordings. It sounds better on the vast majority of my ~300 mono recordings when compared to my Dynavector XV1-S stereo cartridge on a Talea tonearm. Great explanation Elizabeth.
I heard the Miyajima Premium BE mono cartridge at Robin Wyatt's house, the importer, a few months ago. It is special to the point that it actually challenges stereo recordings. Jazdoc is right; it is that good.