Is the Basis 2001 a solid enough table to keep.

If I bought a Basis 2001 table only, could I make it a great turntable with the addition of a well thought out arm and cartridge combo? Or not try to re-invent the wheel (My first turntable in 20 plus years). Or should I try buying a complete setup i.e. Nottingham Space Deck w/space arm or VPI Classic?
Thanks, Greg
Congratulations Gandme, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I started with a 1400 signature and upgraded to a 2200 a couple of years ago. I have listened to only a handful of CD's since. Great table, enjoy!
I do not what to spend a great deal of $$$ on a cartridge. I know there are many great carts that do not dent the wallet so any suggestions would be helpful

Think about a Lyra Delos.
When it is too cheap. don't be fooled from 2. Hand offers (new 7000 $, now 1800...), most can't scratch that one.
I use a Audio Technica AT 33 EV, which I got for $400 and a Denon 304, which is now around $500. One of the on line reviewers uses the 33 along with a $5K Dynavector and fells there is not a significant difference.
Thank you all for the comments and suggestion. I probably should have used the word "good" instead of great when asking for a reasonably priced Cartridge.