Andromedaaudio wrote;
the good news is that the great performance you are now enjoying can be that much better. and better cartridges have an even higher upside than you might think.
.....but to say the vpi does not have a "certain level" of sound i think is "a bit" far fetched , sometimes in the audiofile world , things which are cheap and already a long time on the market are considered not interesting( the tri planar is also long on the market is i know ). I have listened at dealer demos/shows to almost all the topcontenders in tables(excl SME) and cartridges and i would not say the high $ arms and tables are "much" better than what i own now.....with vinyl there is so much info in the grooves waiting to be discovered that there are many levels of performance in tt's and arms (and cartridges and phono stages) as you go up the food chain. if you truely believe " i would not say the high $ arms and tables are 'much' better than what i now own" then you need to get out more. and that is not any disrespect toward your tt; it's a very good one and a good value....and much better than similarly priced tt's from 10 years ago. but there are tt's and arms out there that are a good deal's that are dramatically better, and one's that are amazing.
the good news is that the great performance you are now enjoying can be that much better. and better cartridges have an even higher upside than you might think.