VPI bearing oil/grease?

I know this has been discussed and forgive me but I'm a little confused. Most of my confusion is from talking with Mike at VPI. I called VPI years ago to ask what type of lubricant to use, the answer was white lithium grease. ( no mention of any of this in the owner's manual) After my bushings were replaced a few years later with bronze, I inquired as to what oil/grease was recommended. The answer was 40W oil. After reading other posts here, I've read that Mike has recommended Mobil synthetic, I don't ever recall them recommending VPI bearing grease to me or anyone. I'd like to get a definitive answer from VPI users here. Thanks.
There is no definitive answer. Lithium grease, motor oil, trick oils (vdH, etc.), will all "work" to varying degrees. I have tried them all, and guess what? They all sound different. Your particular set-up will dictate which one works best. The thicker ones (grease), will be quieter, but will drag the platter down more, and sound slightly less dynamic; but are probably best if you have noticeable play in your bearing well (not uncommon with VPI's)). Thinner oils will usually allow for freer motion of your platter, and sound more dynamic, and a little brighter. Oil was, for my set-up, essential for use of a flywheel. Grease was simply too "draggy" for use of a flywheel, and would cause speed fluctuation.

There is no one solution. Experiment, and see which one sounds/works best for you. Good luck.
frogman, that is interesting about the "sound" of lubricant being used.

i use synthetic motor oil on my tnt mkv hr. once a year as a rule I apply oil, and also for the motor.

there is overpriced tt "specific" oils or greases available, i think vpi used to sell a $25-30 variety.
Oakleys @ Frogman... Thanks, In regards to the bronze bushings, do they require any kind of lubrication?
Do you have a connection with VPI? My manual from 20 years ago, says nothing about lubrication. That's what I referred to in my thread.