Esoteric K-01/K-03 Owners

Spoke today with the local Esoteric rep to get information on plans to upgrade existing K-01/K-03 users to the "X" model which is only sold overseas at this time. Here is the scoop. (Dates/$$ are only close estimates)

- Upgrades will be available in October 2014
- The upgrade will include the USB input mechanism to support 2.8 MHz DSD (Native Playback) and 384 MHz (PCM).
- There are several other upgrades to the K-01x/K-03x that are not included. (i.e. Upgrades to the DAC, Transport, etc that are direct descendants of the
Grandioso Model).
- Approx. cost is $1,000 (Not including 2-way shipping)
- The Upgrades will be provided in California

Info. on K-03x:

Beats having to buy a new DSD Dac in the meantime if patient.

Guido and all,
I have compared the redbook version of the same album to the CD spinning in the transport. I am delighted to say that it is no contest with sound from the transport way ahead by quite a mile. I am happy because the substantial investment in the VRDS Neo transport for redbook material remains sound and has not been rendered obsolete by the HRA player. :)
Jon... Fascinating!

What could account for the K-01 transport advantage? ...

* Inherent jitter of the hard drive? ... Perhaps try a new Samsung 850 Pro SSD?
* Jitter introduced by the connection to K-01?
* Stray noise originating in the computer?
* other?

I would have to agree with Guido on the possible challenges above. No matter what tweaks I made, I always preferred the timbre, grain free sound, depth of soundstage, etc. playing RB CD's in the K-03 Transport vs music files played using the K-03 USB input.

The next move was to replace the HD in my 2010 Mac Mini with an Agility 3 SSD. In addition, I added the Bel Canto Reflink to the mix via BNC/SPDIF (Transparent Reference Digital Cable) to K-03 Coaxial input.

I kept the Audioquest Carbon USB Cable to direct USB Input to perform an A/B comparison and could now evaluate all three options. The differences for me now between spinning disks and listening to the like Redbook CD file(s) are indiscernible, I can hear no difference. Seems the SSD and USB Converter reduced the noise inherent in computers while reducing jitter.

Looks like Mark has answered most of your questions. For me, I will continue to play redbook CD's in the transport and listen only to hi-rez via the HRA player.
Comparing hi-rez via HRA to redbook CD's in the transport, hi-rez is at a whole new level altogether.
Mark, one day you may decide to upgrade your Mac OS to Maverick and be able to take advantage of the HRA player.
Yeah....have given that some thought. Just concerned after hearing several people that upgraded their OS to Maverick, which resulted in problems with Amarra and A+ integration.

If your willing, you can download a free trial version of each to compare to the Esoteric HRA Player. If you have the time, I would love to hear your comparative opinion. Maybe that will push me over the edge to upgrade my OS.
