I'm not through testing either, I plan to move the Ortofon to the Audiocraft AC4400 and see it that improves things.
I do agree with your comments:
I thought the A-90 sounded way to bright/lean/mechanical pick your adjective on the SME V. That being said I have the A-90 sounding better than I ever had either of Air Tight's sounding on a Reed Tonearm.
In my case the test is with SME 312S which is very well damped Magnesium and a new German tonearm I recently received and testing.
The other tests are by my best friend in my local audio group who owns the Dynavector XV1s, Air Tight Supreme, Koetsu Coralstone, Ortofon (in Reed tonearm) and also owns Fidelity Research FR66s and Audiocraft AC4400.
In his system the Ortofon is also rated last place, he also preferred the Allarts to the Ortofon but in that case I held reverse opinion.