Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1

Has anyone compared these two cartridges? How would the A90 match with an SME V arm? I've just read so many glowing reviews in the press and on Audiogon that I'm curious about the A90. Thanks.
@Koegz: The $250 Fozgometer measures crosstalk and channel levels; that's it. There are more effective technical ways to optimize azimuth. For setting SRA at the correct 92 degree angle a microscope may be the best approach. The alignment service I provide now includes this as well as listening to optimize SRA and VTA.
I have problems to believe that a company like Ortofon delivers "faulty" cartridges. I guess the "problem" has nothing to do with them.
The A90 has been the subject of multiple articles by Michael Fremer which explain just how critical the SRA/VTA is during setup. These articles go as far as to explain these advanced setup techniques and advocate the use of a USB digital microscope among other things. Of course one could still do all of the setup by ear, but the goal of using such instruments is to dramatically shorten the amount of time that it will take to achieve perfect alignment and SRA.

And as far as the notion that one should experience the cartridge before buying - I wholeheartedly agree. For anybody who will be attending Rocky Mountain Audio Fest this year, there will be ample opportunity for interested listeners to experience the A90.

But what was the problem, distortion, to lean, bright, please enlighten me if you can. I am genuinely interested.


Downunder....I agree with you re: SRA adjustment.

Ldorio....If SRA need to be adjusted with a USB microscope perhaps every A90 should come with one. Or, at the very least, Ortofon should provide a chart as a starting point to obtain the desire 92 degrees SRA. Example below.

2.0g.....VTA at 5mm above parallel
2.3g.....VTA at 10mm above parallel
2.5g.....VTA at 15mm above parallel

Disclaimer: I own an A90 and a XV1's and they are both sonic marvel....in my system of course.