Blackbird on an SME 3009 II

I know a Blackbird probably isn't the type of cart most would suggest for a 3009, but why not? The math seems to work: the arm with removable headshell has an effective mass of 9.5g which puts the resonance in the sweet spot. The Blackbird is med. compliance and the SME med weight (again with removable shell, more if I get a Yamamoto headshell).

I am getting a 124 II with the 3009 II and plan to try it, unless someone demonstrates to me that this isn't a good idea.

I'm open to other MM/high-output MC carts. I do already have the Blackbird.
The classic match with the 3009 was Shure, but the Type V is discontinued. IF the Blackbird does not work I would try something like the Ortofon MMs, either their current range like the Blue or Black or a NOS from their classic range; these can be found on ebay. AT also makes a good range of MMs, I use one of their MCs and it is quite good , I haven't tried the MMs.

Thanks for your thoughts. I learned something from your last post.

I had concluded that the Shure V15 was definitely worth trying and have two of them coming. For not a lot of money.
Also I have some cheap AT MM that came with an Acoustic Solid table that I've had around for years as a spare cart and every time I put it on I've been amazed by how good it is. It's like a $100 cart I think.

I have liked the Ortrafon Kontras in the past but am done doing LO MC.