Posts here on aGon wrt pre-purchase RCM choices were key. Loads of helpful information that helped me make my decision.
It's a little daunting - having now cleaned 15 LPs with approx 1500 to go... but the results are stunning and all the motivation I need to keep going. It's a glacial pace but well worth the investment in time. It's like building a new collection again!
Since the machine's arrival, I'm looking at used vinyl with a *much more* critical eye now. As I dont want to waste time and fluid on non-revivalable disc's (developing a keen eye is a whole 'nother skill altogether). Just another dimension to the hobby that will either deepen your passion or move it away.
Guess I know what ask for at xmas every year: cleaning fluids!
Mitch4t, true that - "I have more records than I can listen to" but what a fabulous predicament to be in ;-)
Stl114_nj, I have many duplicates and agree with your assessment; deliberately buying two of favorites hoping for the perfect sound forever. In most cases the same records from the same pressing have different sound qualities (hey one can only hope for the first pressing from the first mother/first stamper)...
Dougdeacon & Dev, you guys helped me alot in choosing the Loricraft. Cheers!