Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?

Dear Jfrech: I'm not disputing the MK3 quality performance against your Monaco. I asume that your experience/comparison was not in your system with the same tonearm/cartridge.

So: don't you think that your statement about is not only unfair but almost useless? because IMHO you are comparing two totally different set ups, I mean that yours is totally different to the Albert one in almost any audio link. IMHO the only similarity is that both systems reproduce music recordings.

Maybe I'm wrong and you heard it with the same surrounded " environment ".

I heard twice the Monaco ( unfortunately not in my system ) and at least one of them in system I know very well. I like what I heard and I like its build quality too. IMHO the Monaco is a very fine piece of " music " and I think it is one TT that belongs to the top today TT designs along other ones.

regards and enjoy the music,
Lewm, hi I think Albert is using a finely machined copper mat (it's heavy and rigid not flexible -think of a dinner plate size piece of copper that's machined to tight tolerences). And you're on the right path regarding my use of the term "wetness"

Hi Raul,

No I have not compared it. So as you usually say a direct comparison with zero varibles is best. So that didn't happen. However, I'll stick by my assertation that Albert had a top table vs top tier. If that makes sense.

So I fully agree with you, I love my Grand Prix Monaco and have no intention to sell it anytime soon. It's my main source and careful system matching/setup can make it sing beautifully well. It is a top tier and a good buy. Stop by soon :) and listen !
The Monaco is a very well designed and executed turntable. I've setup two of these tables in very familiar systems with same cart/arm/phonostage/pre/amp/speakers. The table's performance is consistent and predictable. Less than a year ago, I put an A90 on one of the tables and it performed very well while clearly displaying the differences between the two cartridges both strengths and weaknesses. I've met and discussed the table with the designer Alvin Lloyd as well as visited two rooms during RMAF accompanied by Alvin himself. I think the GPA Monaco is a fine table with excellent performance.

Of course this performance is dependent on the total system. As with all things audio, if everything (all equipment and the room) has synergy you are in for a great ride. If not then there is going to be something else out there that may fit the particular system better.
i think Jfrech has it about right on the GP Monaco. i had one for about a year in my room. it's a really nice tt, fit and finish about perfect, great speed, low noise and neutral sounding in a good way. i 'prefer' my Dobbins SP-10 Mk3 for it's dynamics and foundation (wetness?) and my Dobbin's Garrard 301 for it's 'swerve' or whatever term you'd use. i seem to like tt's with a bit of 'mass' (Rockport).

but i could more than happily live with the Monaco for sure.
Dear Mapman: How about, combo of mat and tonearm/cartridge. Most important?

well IMHO the mat makes a difference and has a critical importance. Hard to say which TT link is more important but IMHO whatever you think the mat could be at the top.

regards and enjoy the music,