Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?

Violin wrote;
I am not trying to hi-jack this wonderful thread but I have a question about wall voltage and it's effect on not only tt motors but amps, pre-amp etc. Logenn's comments above caused me to think about my situation.
I live appx. 4 miles from a large hydro-electric power generating plant and the wall voltage in my home typically runs from 122 volts to 124 volts. What affect ,if any,does this have on the above mentioned components, particularly the tt motor?

i have the same Loricraft PSU 301 AR power supply for my Garrard 301 as Logenn that regenerates the 50hz power. it sounds wonderful. unfortunately i have not heard it any other way so i cannot say how much it improves things.

i do have a hydro power about 8 miles from my home and my own transformer for my home in a newer subdivision of acreage lots. so my street power is pretty good (or at least i thought it was).

last week i installed a 'whole system' 10kva Equi=tech balanced isolation transformer; the 10WQ wall cabinet system. this has made huge performace improvements on every component in my system including my tt's. my viewpoint on 'good power' will never be the same.
Dbcooper and Mikelevine- good clean power is part and parcel to having great performance. Anything you can do to push the envelope is a net gain in micro detail and resolution. You can't have too much of a good thing. Unfortunately, the quality of our electricity is quite poor and to make matters worse communication signals are run by the power companies causing noise and intereference.

I have a dedicated transformer in my neighborhood just serving my home and it makes a difference. But when the grid is overloaded, I can hear a decline in quality and it makes me wonder, what things would sound like with a dedicated generator and power conditioner.

If you get the basics right, it seems to make everything else much easier.
Good resonance controll and clean power go a long way to lower the noise floor.
If I understand this thread correctly, neither Porter nor Dobbins actually remove the motor and platter of the SP10 from the chassis in their plinth designs, but instead remove the top of the SP10 chassis, and sink that into their plinths?
Mr Weiss lovely work you do. Your choosen plinth material Pennsyvinia soft slate did you select by scienctific methods or guessing this material maybe be good and simply trying it.