I think its just that i have a very high standard of what i expect a "hi end stereo" to do. For some of the prices some have shelled out here you would think their sound would be absolutely amazing, yet the casual listener probably would not be wowed or amazed. I have heard some very expensive systems and some ultra expensive systems and have been very underwhelmed. They all seem to suffer from some problem or deficiency that makes them seem rather mediocre. With that said, i think as you move to the more exotic materials, designers and components things are more within reach of being what i think they should be when i first began my foray into "hi end". Guys who are just entering and becoming members have no idea just how far they will have to go and how hard they will have to work, in listening , comparing, buying , selling just to start breaking the surface of "getting special results". Even then it will take some luck, some careful planning to get there. Alot of "midfi stuff" sold here...i think is not much better than a system sold at a london drugs store and it never goes under the guise of "hi end" and some of them sound pretty good.
I admit i am a little let down by "reviews", jaded by money lost on "midfi products" advertised as "hi end audio" but all i'm trying to do is say ...the road to bliss is a complicated one, a slow one and an expensive one. I believe this to be accurate, so i consider myself more of a realist than a pessimist. The flood of turnover products is my proof. I feel i am getting close to try hi end sound though...and i'm sure others are getting their too...by the way congrats on your new sp10mk3 with reed arm. That looks like it has lots of potential to be a sonic stunner! Nice!
I think its just that i have a very high standard of what i expect a "hi end stereo" to do. For some of the prices some have shelled out here you would think their sound would be absolutely amazing, yet the casual listener probably would not be wowed or amazed. I have heard some very expensive systems and some ultra expensive systems and have been very underwhelmed. They all seem to suffer from some problem or deficiency that makes them seem rather mediocre. With that said, i think as you move to the more exotic materials, designers and components things are more within reach of being what i think they should be when i first began my foray into "hi end". Guys who are just entering and becoming members have no idea just how far they will have to go and how hard they will have to work, in listening , comparing, buying , selling just to start breaking the surface of "getting special results". Even then it will take some luck, some careful planning to get there. Alot of "midfi stuff" sold here...i think is not much better than a system sold at a london drugs store and it never goes under the guise of "hi end" and some of them sound pretty good.
I admit i am a little let down by "reviews", jaded by money lost on "midfi products" advertised as "hi end audio" but all i'm trying to do is say ...the road to bliss is a complicated one, a slow one and an expensive one. I believe this to be accurate, so i consider myself more of a realist than a pessimist. The flood of turnover products is my proof. I feel i am getting close to try hi end sound though...and i'm sure others are getting their too...by the way congrats on your new sp10mk3 with reed arm. That looks like it has lots of potential to be a sonic stunner! Nice!