Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?

Dear Tellefsen: Maybe could be good for you to read this thread:

not only me but some other people are enjoying their DD TTs ( including the SP10s. ) better than ever in the naked fashion against those same TTs plinthed with heavy plinths including Obsidian one.

IMHO the naked alternative not only could gives you a better quality performance level over a plinthed alternative but you don't have to invest almost any money for: is almost by " free "!!.

Anyway, it is another alternative.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dave, The MkII and the Mk2A are physically identical, so any plinth that fits one will fit the other.
Sorry, I should have directed my remark to Travis, aka T_bone.
An added fact is that the pattern for the 5 threaded inserts provided for the bolts that fasten the tt chassis to its plinth in all 3 models, the MkII, 2A, and 3, is identical. Hence, you can drop a Mk3 into any of the 3 plinths that Travis described. The MkII and Mk2A would not fit into the dedicated Mk3 plinth, however, because the underside of the former two is square whereas the Mk3 is circular.
Hi Tellefsen

Since your experimenting with stillpoints - recommend u try 3 directly under the sp10 chassis. I was in your position a year ago.

Tellefsen Having read your comment's regarding your direct drive table I can emphatically say there is a leap in performance going to panzerholz material. Soft slate I have no working experience with.

Think about this for a moment.

Why would Albert Porter or anyone else for that matter go to all that extra expense and difficulties working with panzerholz when other common material is so easily available anywhere and much , much cheaper.
Personally with all the work involved and cutting bit resharpen bills I don't thick Albert is making much profit at all with his line of panzerholz plinths.
So for those that think Porter is using panzerholz material only to justify his prices you are mistaken.

Panzerholz works and works exceptionally well for bolting a direct drive table to it.

You may have read comments here and there from sceptical penny pinching DIYers on a shoe string budget that boo hoo panzerholz.
All of it totally unfounded.

With all do respect for Raul and his clever idea to use a direct drive without a conventional plinth as most of us know it.
Direct drives are very sensitive to what they are sitting in and on , I understand this clearly as does Raul.

I prefer a conventional plinth with pivoting arm boards myself.
Halcro and all the other great guys using their direct drives nude have good reasons to love it.