Simple ? iTunes Question

Following an external HD failure I am reloading iTunes from a back-up HD. Problem is as I re-enter the album back to iTunes it is loading the music into my iMac. I want the music to stay in the external HD and just play from there. My internal HD GB available count is dropping faster than a speeding bullet.

What am I doing wrong? iTunes settings?
Sfar: Yes, I w as wondering about that myself thank you for that advice. I shudder to think what will happen if I try to install a fresh copy of OSX. LOL!
How did you get the new copy of the OSX onto a clean hard drive? Following your original advice I did get iTunes to recognize my backup HD but now I am spending endless days and nights erasing duplicates on many of the albums. It is starting to reduce the load on the internal HD.

Thanks again for taking the time! I appreciate it very much.
You may have already done all the work and no longer need this but there is an application designed to do automatically what you're doing manually. It's called Dupin' Lite. It's by Doug Adams, who has dozens of interesting tools for managing iTunes tasks.
Wow Sfar! I had no idea that this feature even existed. I am almost blind from deleting dupes so Yes, I will give that a try.

Once again, thanks for all your help.
Sfar - just a follow up. I downloaded Dupin Lite and it worked like a charm. The available space on both the External HD and the internal HD increased substantially. Thanks for the info!

Puerto - that's great, glad to be of assistance. I'm happy you have it under control. Thanks for the updates.