suggestions on small footprint phono stages

Hello gang - I'm interested in upgrading my phono stage (a PS Audio GCPH), but for the sake of WAF I need something with a smaller footprint width-wise (roughly in the dimensions of the GCPH, which is less than 1/2 a rack space).

I like and enjoy the GCPH (and it's flexibility), but it is a bit bright/cold sometimes (my speakers - Focal 1027 - contribute there). So, I am looking for something a little more organic - tube preferred as a contrast to the GCPH, but SS works too.

I'm flexible on price - ballpark $2k-$3k, new or used. To that end, the EAR 834P is on my list to check out (and an 88PB if I can find one secondhand), and the Artemis PL1/PH1, though I think that'll limit me to MCs (I currently have a Shelter 501mk2 and a Sumiko Blackbird - it'd be nice to have the flexibility to experiment with some MMs at some point, but not a dealbreaker), ASR mini basis.

Any suggestions to narrow the field down?

You should consider the Nagra BPS. It is solid state but is a very nice sounding unit. No SS stridency or brightness here. Very natural sounding and very musical. I think it is $2400 new but you should be able to get for a bit less on Agon. Here are some reviews:
Good feedback, everyone. I forgot about the JLTI - I had that on my list as well. Thanks!
2nd the Nagra BPS, which I owned and loved until the upgrade bug struck, but I found I had to spend a lot more to get significantly better performance. There is a used one available on Agon if memory serves. (And no, I am not the seller!)