suggestions on small footprint phono stages

Hello gang - I'm interested in upgrading my phono stage (a PS Audio GCPH), but for the sake of WAF I need something with a smaller footprint width-wise (roughly in the dimensions of the GCPH, which is less than 1/2 a rack space).

I like and enjoy the GCPH (and it's flexibility), but it is a bit bright/cold sometimes (my speakers - Focal 1027 - contribute there). So, I am looking for something a little more organic - tube preferred as a contrast to the GCPH, but SS works too.

I'm flexible on price - ballpark $2k-$3k, new or used. To that end, the EAR 834P is on my list to check out (and an 88PB if I can find one secondhand), and the Artemis PL1/PH1, though I think that'll limit me to MCs (I currently have a Shelter 501mk2 and a Sumiko Blackbird - it'd be nice to have the flexibility to experiment with some MMs at some point, but not a dealbreaker), ASR mini basis.

Any suggestions to narrow the field down?

RSA Nighthawk battery power phono. It beats GCPH easily for less money IMO as I had the GCPH earlier which was underwhelming. Nighthawk is quite dynamic, high gain but quiet,smooth mid with non strident high and it provides flexible loading.
i am not familar with many of the hi end phono stages, but i do own the zyx and it performs well and does have the small footprint. I use it with my zyx UNIverse and airy3 cartridges as well as a frog on occasion.
Thanks, all. I found a Zyx here on AGon for a decent price, so I'm going to give it a try. I'll report back when I receive it!
How about the Plinius Jarrah? I have been using one for about six months and I am very happy with the sound I am getting from it. It has two phono gain settings, high and low. Although, it does not list how high the high gain is but I am guessing that it is atleast 56 to 60db. Very flexible when it comes to cartridge loading. 7.4ohms to 47k. By the way, much more refined or better sounding then PS GCPH and Musical Sorroundings Phonomena. Good luck.