Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
Hi Halcro,

I rarely post in Audigon, I have done this just once.
This is one of the best posts ever written about TT comparison and I include all the forums. I'm in a search more or less like yours and I'll share my findings in due time along 2011.
Congratulations for the way you managed your project.



I am simply speechless. Well written post reflecting stark honesty. No cliche's, no BS.

I have been reading about rogress in building this nude TT project and it certainly seems your uncompromising dedication and $$ cost really paid off.

A lot of credit goes to Raul also, obviously

Halcro, outstanding review. I agree fully with the other two complements (so far) on your efforts.

However I must express one disappointment. You stated the "germ" for your project was the discussion on different plinth materials for DD tables. So then you found and assembled a DD system that was more satisfying than your reference belt-drive table. Fair enough. But unless I misunderstood your intentions, you ended up comparing a belt-drive system against a DD one. And this says nothing about how your "nude" Victor would compare against a plinthed Victor, aside from your comments speculating that any of the plinths changing sound with different materials would actually be colorations.

Apparently it was not your intent but I was hoping to see a comparison of nude VS plinthed tables.
Dear Cabbiendi and Nilthepill,
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Often it's difficult to know if anyone is reading this or is even interested, so your feed-back is very encouraging.

Halcro, Thanks for that amazing review. It leaves no question in my mind as to and performance detail.