Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
it might be a good idea to have a disc cut out of plate
Not a bad idea Ecir......not necessarily of the same material though?
A dissimilar material such as 'wood' may be even better?
I think I'll try a few experiments based on this?
Ecir38,I had the same idea to use bronze in the shape of a bowl and let the bottom sit into it in a tight fit fashion but still leave some space for air circulation. That will definitely be the last tweak if I am not totally satisfied with the damping paint which seems to be a cheaper tweak.
I have been experimenting with damping this tin-can for some time now and I believe that with my current approach it is no longer the place where I can wring much improvement. From the lack of anyone saying that they might try it I guess no one sees much benefit in my method.

Banquo, I am sorry I came across as dismissive and curt, my bad. What I should have said was that it seemed off topic for me as my point was to address damping the TT directly, not the shelf underneath it. And, although my TT sits on a cast iron book-case that weighs hundreds of lbs and is surrounded by a fairly effective air-borne vibration absorbtion structure I am still trying to improve the quashing of environmental vibrations. In that regard your suggestion was certainly germaine and useful

Hi Halcro:

"With the Technics SP10 models (as Chris has shown)..... it is possible (and preferable) to fit custom long tube spikes to the underside of the platter surround itself whereas it is exceedingly difficult to do with the Victors?"

I just received my broken victor and I have the spikes that Chris fabricated for the sp10. They are 1in in diameter and they fit perfectly with the victor, right where the screw holes are for mounting it to a plinth. Given that they were a great improvement on the sp10, it might be worth a shot for your victor.

No worries, Gary. My suggestion was probably just a solution looking for a problem. If your rack works, then it's probably best to leave well alone. Having said that, the springs are a cheap tweak to try and easily reversible. They do require a good deal of weight to properly load them though.
Hey Gary,
I am most impressed with your methods for damping the 'cage' of the Victor and I did say that I would try this technique if and when....I had solved the problem of the mysterious 'feedback' I can sometimes induce? testing Ecir's suggestion for a 'disc' under the Victor....I used the 1.8Kg Micro Seiki Cu180 platter mat as the 'disc'.....and accidentally 'blew' the phono section of my Halcro DM10 with the 'feedback'!!??
So I discovered that this does not solve my particular problem and.......I will not be able to conduct any further experiments....let alone listen to vinyl.....for some time to come?! :-(

A curse on your collective heads I say!