Armstrong 626 Receiver

I recently got an Armstrong 626 receiver from England. This is a very little known unit in the US, and is very rare here also. I got a chance to hear and compare one to other top name receivers and amps during the 80's, when someone traded a 626 in at a high-end shop I worked at. I was very impressed with the sound, and always wanted to get one.They have been out of business since about 1980. I think this receiver is about the best one I've ever heard. Easily better than the Tandberg, Revox, B&O, and also the Rogers, Quad, Meridian, and Arcam inegrated/tuner combos. Analog tuner is on par with Tandberg, with really good capture,sensitivity, selectivity, and provides imaging and soundstage that is hard to find with tuners. The amp is 40 watts with high current, and a large toroid transformer.It's very clean power, and I think it would drive Quad ESL's great. Front end includes a good phono section. This is a keeper. The only down side is the DIN connectors, since it was a Euro market item. Is there anyone out there who has one or has heard one? This is one of the biggest secrets in audio gear that I can think of.
Would it be difficult for a good technician to replace the Din connectors with basic RCA,etc. types?
Hi Sherod ... you could try this guy -

Good luck from NZ
I sold Armstrong receivers in a shop called Westwoods in Oxford . Recently I took a 625 out of hibernation . As all have said a lovely sound . I also have a Kenwood KR 750 which is equally loved .

Westwoods was connected with Armstong as he ( sorry I forget the name ) bought his components from Leslie Westwood when a student . This man visited me not long before his death to show the 800 series ( fantastic and advanced design ) . He named the company after his favourite motor car an Armstrong Siderley if I remember it correctly .

I find a remarkable quality in this design apart from those stated . It never is loud . The sound is to be heard everywhere in the house thus is loud .

Technically, the power amplifier design uses a single input transistor having a double feedback loop with double NPN quasi complimentary outputs. The ouput is capacitor coupled . The driver load is by bootstrap capacitor ( A high grade here might be an idea . 50 uF from memory . 47 uF 100 v now ) I remember Armstong saying testing would have to be with a dummy loudspeaker network to get the stated distortion . Hi Fi news retested and confirmed that . The drivers are TV CRT transistors. A good choice as the requirements are similar . I wonder if this real loudspeaker loud situation explains the above average sound ( many tube amps are not this good ) . Also it is rare to take feedback after the feedback capacitor . It can make an amplifier unstable , Armstrong made it work .

The only modification I would recomend is to replace the power amplifier input coupling capacitor with a 1 uF film type . This will reduce volume control noise and is big enough to do the job . Armstrong use 10 uF from memory . Check the big power supply capacitor from time to time . Any increase in hum will be a danger sign . WD 40 is excellent for restoring switches etc , I suspect it is sonically the best of such treatments .

The FM is as said a reference for other designs .
Hi all - I have owned an used an Arnstrong 626 since about 1969 and it has always been my go to quality amp . I've made numerous repairs including three sets of volume / balance /bass and treble pots but recently had a real problem with heavy thumping in my B&W speakers at any high volume. I changed all main power supply components but didn't clear the problem until I replaced the voltage stabiliser components - now it works as good if not better than ever. The exact replacement NPN transistors were just not available so had to use equivalents . If anyone has a similar problem don't despair it can be done . more info on equivalents available on request. I have a full digital Naim set up but to be honest i really miss the smoothness of the 626 which is currently used for monitoring duties.