Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
the exposed guts and criss crossing of various metals evokes a steampunk aesthetic for me. very cool Halcro. Looking forward to your impressions of the sound.
wow Halcro, you really did it! the naked guy - a very courageous approach. How did you put the table on the frame - any rubber or softening parts in between?
what do you think about a Japanese paper wall around the skeleton, still looking through but no dust entering the electronics?
Thanks Banquo,
Will report in due course.
It takes many records, arms and cartridges.....not to mention different listening be convinced of what one is hearing?

Dear Thuchan,
You can see 3 rubber grommets on the photo with just the metal frame?
The TT-101 sits only on these so there is no metal to metal contact.

Yes.....I'm thinking of possible dust on the electronics......but the original metal casing had many slots in the sides and bottom which could also allow dust to be drawn in......yet the electronics appear remarkably clean after 30+ years?
I have a soft feather duster that I can use and also a hair dryer (on cold) to blow any dust away?
We shall see if it is a problem?
Anything like Japanese paper or glass or plastic would not allow the ventilation required.......

Oh Thuchan,
I was inspired a bit by your EMT 927 aesthetics.....whereby the table sits on an exposed tubular metal frame and all the guts are visible hanging below?

Do you get dust in the working parts?