Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
The magnetic field being produced by the transformer and power supply (even with power switch of the platter not activated) so great that it has managed to induce a magnetic attraction in the 316 stainless steel flat bars of the cradle.
316 stainless steel is NON magnetic!!

With the original mild steel perforated cover surrounding this magnetic field completely......I cannot imagine it being a GOOD thing?
Why did the Victor engineers not think so?
but is that an old Canadian penny shimming the left armpod ? :^)
Sorry's an Aussie 5 cent piece :-)
I agree with your dedicated shelf recommendation.
Just can't do it old boy.....don't have a basement listening room (or three) you have? :-)
Don't agree with your compliant footers however.
Turntables must not move in my Copernican Universe........
Hey Banquo,
With your Victor supported on Chris' 3 stainless tube spikes sitting under the top surround of the could quite easily remove the outer steel perforated cover and hear the difference?
Trust me on this one...........
Thanks Ecir,
The spikes were bought first from England and were given to the fabrication shop to custom drill and tap the legs to fit with no free play at all .
They are made of the same 316 stainless steel as the cradle and come with washers and lock-nuts.....but as the rear spikes are screwed into the legs almost entirely....there is no threaded spike protruding to attach any nuts.
But as I have to slide my hand under and between the arm-pods to reach the spikes to level them....any nuts would be a hellish complication :-)
believe me, Halcro, the second I read your report I planned on taking off the casing just to see whether there's the difference you assert. It will happen soon, but I just got a new cart and want to play with it first.

fyi: my tt also sometimes (but not often) starts at 33.32 or 33.34 before reaching 33.33. I had always thought it was because I clean dust off the record when I put it on and thus exert some modicum of pressure, but perhaps the real explanation is as you suggest. Also, my tt has never fluctuated in speed during play so perhaps your observations are not due to the casing?