Hi Henry - just as you heard a profound difference with the change in TT support and spikes on your masonry wall shelf.
You will also hear more difference if you put a shelf just big enough to hold the TT and armpods on your existing shelf and decouple it further. I used the word decouple not compliant. But I did reference the at-616.
This is what I meant by a dedicated shelf and I was selfishly wondering what it would sound like to you.
Just curious. I thought it would be fun.
I have found many times in this hobby that going against your beliefs can lead to interesting results.
As an example my old VPI JMW 12 tonearm never sounded better than when it was sitting on an armpod which sat on 3 symposium roller block jrs.
With the sp10 setup I showed. I can go from a spiked setup to a bolted in one in a couple of hours.
btw - Have you seen Des' (Dgob) most recent setup?
His sp10 is also on the wall. Guess what lies under it ?
Once you have used the AT-616's its hard to let them go.
probably work great under big amps too.
Continue to have fun and inspire ...
Ecir38 - I just saw your pics. very cool too. nice looking project.
You will also hear more difference if you put a shelf just big enough to hold the TT and armpods on your existing shelf and decouple it further. I used the word decouple not compliant. But I did reference the at-616.
This is what I meant by a dedicated shelf and I was selfishly wondering what it would sound like to you.
Just curious. I thought it would be fun.
I have found many times in this hobby that going against your beliefs can lead to interesting results.
As an example my old VPI JMW 12 tonearm never sounded better than when it was sitting on an armpod which sat on 3 symposium roller block jrs.
With the sp10 setup I showed. I can go from a spiked setup to a bolted in one in a couple of hours.
btw - Have you seen Des' (Dgob) most recent setup?
His sp10 is also on the wall. Guess what lies under it ?
Once you have used the AT-616's its hard to let them go.
probably work great under big amps too.
Continue to have fun and inspire ...
Ecir38 - I just saw your pics. very cool too. nice looking project.