Cartridge Output Level Question

After reading a recent thread about the Denon DL 103 cartridge I passed along the information to a co-worker that really enjoys listening to his records.

He was interested, but had a concern that the 0.3 mV output would require him to turn the volume up on his receiver significantly compared to his current cartridge that has an output of about double the Denon DL 103.

Also, is the Denon DL 103 that is available on the Denon website the same unit as the one getting great reviews?
had a concern that the 0.3 mV output would require him to turn the volume up on his receiver significantly

What is his concern?

There is nothing to be concerned about as long as he doesn't get in the situation where it is all the way up and not loud enough.

MC is "Moving Coil"
MM is "Moving Magnet"

Each actually refers to what is directly attached to end of the cantilever (other end from the stylus diamond).
MM cartridges usually have an output in the range of 3.0 to 5.0 millivolts. A MC cartridge due to its design usually has a much lower voltage output (0.3 to 0.6 millivolts). The MC will need additional amplification due to this difference. Some preamps have both MM and MC abilities, some only MM. Just to muddy the water there are a few High Output Moving Coils (HOMC) that can be mated directly to a MM pre input due to their specific higher outputs.
There are many threads discussing the attributes of each design that you can search through.
