Was Beta as good as or better than reel to reel?

I think I remember reading somewhere that Beta vcr machines were a superior audio recording and playback medium. Does anyone here have any experience with Beta as a hifi audio format?
Viridian, I'm older than you are. After Googling the wire recorder, I feel very fortunate to experience the audio wonders of the 21st century.

Slikric, never heard of the mini 8 track tape. Googled it, and it was one weird animal.
I googled it also but I don't remember it folding, but then again I was only 7 yrs. old.
Before the car 8 track players there was a brief period of time when they made 4 track units. They didn't have the pinch roller in the tape, but it came up out of the deck to hold the tape against the head. I had the first one in my area and had to have a 12 volt battery in my trunk to play it in my 1952 Dodge.
Lol. Isnt googling something you do after brushing your teeth? I had a nasty dose of VHS once...