3 Tonearms 1 preamp

My question is how to switch between each tonearm without moving interconnects around.I have found very inexpensive audio input selectors but they are so cheaply made they would surprise me to be usable-especially after you have spent so much on everything else.
At present I have 1 phono preamplifier that has only 1 in and out.
I started this project installing 3 tonearms on a custom plinth and I guess I didn't think it thru before I started.
Thanks CMALAK,
I was hoping for something a little more affordable. I am also happy with the preamp I have.
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Have you considered a creek pre? They are passive and should do a great job. OBH12 or 14
Thanks everyone!
The use of a passive preamp is interesting as well as installing a home made switch with rca jacks. It may end up I do one of these options.What I was hoping is to find a product that was designed to do exactly what I need. It seems that the need for a device such as this exists in other applications besides turntables and tonearms.
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