What would be the best "attainable" Denon turntabl

I am FINALLY about to pick up a Denon AVR-5803A and match it to a DVD-5910. I am looking for the best Denon turntable to accompany this pair. I am wanting a attainable one (not one that I will never find and when I do it is $2k). I am needing the toner arm and cartridge match information as well. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks guys
Torque of DP500M motor = 4.5kg/cm. That's impressive and up there with the SP10 Mk2. DP500M chassis remounted in a better plinth with an upgraded tonearm might be quite something.
I saw that data tidbit once but I cannot remember where. I kind of ignored it at the time because the specs also said "if you apply up to 80g of VTF then there will be no speed change" comment whereas the SP-10Mk2 is probably close to 6-8x that amount, if not more, and the really big TTs are more like 1500g. That said, the start-up to 33.33 is quite fast so it is not impossible. It might be an interesting thing to try.
Hey T, Do you like to track at 100 gm? Just kidding. If their torque figure is accurate, then the max VTF before speed variation should calculate out to be just about 75% of the value given for the SP10 Mk2, which has 6 kg/cm torque, if memory serves. And memory is a bitch sometimes.
I don't have any carts which want more than 8g of VTF. Even then, I don't have many records which could deal with that cart (meant for old monos). But that cart is a wonderful one when I can use it.
I came up with the same "75%" number as you did, but it isn't close. The number is quite low for such a big torque stat. That "XXXg with no impact on speed stability" 'stat' was one of the ones firms used to bandy about to show how strong and stable their motor was. For the L-07D, the figure is 120g. For the P3 and DP100 it is supposed to be 1500g. Most tables in the 6-7kg of torque area are 200-250g.
Interesting though is that the startup speed of 0.3 seconds is similar to the SP-10Mk2, Mk3, P3, etc.

I guess someone will have to get one and take it apart to see... You first.... :^) I'm trying to slim down on the table front.