Does EAR324 phono stage sound like tubes ?

i like the idea of being able to adjust the loadings of the phono stage... but does ear 324 sound anything close to being tubes ?
anyone who has would appreciate it- also considering the 834p or 88pb but the tube swapping is a bit hassle for finding good nos tubes...
the different load settings seems a good idea.
thanks !
I was able to compare EAR 324(all solid state) and 88PB(a hybrid JET and tubes)in my system. It was rather close in overall tonality, detail retrieval... of course, they have some major differences and my findings are as follows:
1) without internal SUTs(I believe it's the major source of EAR's sonic signature), the MM sections are surprisingly "rather neutral" in tonality(on the contrary, if someone gets used to tube warm of EAR 834), not overly warm or colored(the MM section only), able to reveal the subtle details of different recordings, in respect of transparency(only the MM sections) they goes hand in hand.
2) 88PB is as a whole lower in hum level and very stable for prolonged use as a tubed phono with more than 70dB.
3) 88PB can offer a bit more real-life body of the acoustic instruments with a thin touch of tube warm.
4) 324 is never harsh or thin sounding.
5) 324 is the better choice for someone who owns a lot of MM carts.
6) 88PB is the best if we want to drive the power amp directly from phono with limited budget.
7) PCC88 proves to be much more stable, much quieter(in hybrid design)than ordinary 6DJ8/6922.

I heard ARC PH-7, Rhea & Janus, Audio Valve Sunilda, EAR 912, Nagra VPS, and many others. Each design approach has its strengths and weaknesses and also pretty much depend upon our budget.

I wish this may help...
For me, the strength of EAR324 is the MM section.

Having the adjustment for PF & Capacitance of the MM section, anybody tried a low output cartridge with SUT and used the MM section of EAR324????
Analog soul,

I have gone to that route with my MC cartridge but not with the EAR324's MM section. I like the overall sound more than going direct from MC phono stage. The sound is more neutral, pure and much quieter background.
Agiaccio, you've highlighted the wrong EAR phono in your link. The 324 isn't a tube phono.
I agree with Audiomax. Using external SUT for LOMC carts is not without disadvantages as we inevitably alter the minute capacitance and, especially, impedance loadings.

In brief, we have to use ultra low impedance cables/wires in order to minimize any negative effects on signal transmission. The ICs(I had to DIY one) to and from the SUTs also need to be as short as possible to maintain signal purity closer to the source.

Unfortunately, there are not much ultra low impedance cables/wires available for this choices bring limited fun for this hobby:)

When SUTs and phono are placed close to TT, interferences from motors and electronics may arise too...
