12 inch Graham Phantom

Anyone compared this to the 9" or 10" arm tube?

Syntax - did you recall why CD was such an instant success back in teh early 1980ies?
2 strong points going with it which told/tell a lot about the vast majority: - remote control AND plug'n'play (NO adjustments.... CD-tweaks came later...).
I guess we should just settle with the one difference which is apparent to all and restrict ourself to the simple omnipresent economic law of our time: - new= better, bigger=better, more expensive=better, more press-presence=better, "read it somewhere"=better, longer=better. It gives a nice comfortable feel to break complex issues down to the very simple facts of life. All a sudden it is so easy.
Derto: I can not engage anyone here on what you all are talking about on the arm lengths, set-up intracacies, et al - I really don't have the requisite experience. I listen, hope to learn a tad more here and there, but mostly I am just glad that my Graham arm is as easy as it is.

On my last post: I just wanted to try and help someone recall where they might have read something, nothing more.

As for the efficacy of published reviewing, I was a TAS reviewer many life times ago, so, please, trust me, no one understands its regressive nature more that I. That's why I parachuted out; it got in the way of the Music.

But I still read it because I like all of the pretty, pretty, pretty pictures...

And, basically, because I now accept it for what it is (i.e. a symptom of, what would be between us, a larger discussion).

I am not sure if I can trust you on the length difference. Maybe you doped the pictures. I will have to verify this one myself soon.