Looking around the internet for details on the SME V12 tonearm I came across this image:
I believed one the advantage of the SME V-12 over SME 312S was a solid continuous run of silver tonearm wire from the cartridge clips to DIN connection at the tonearm base.
This image appears to show removable headshell leads, making the electrical connection identical to 312S other than removable headshell aspect.
Looking around the internet for details on the SME V12 tonearm I came across this image:
I believed one the advantage of the SME V-12 over SME 312S was a solid continuous run of silver tonearm wire from the cartridge clips to DIN connection at the tonearm base.
This image appears to show removable headshell leads, making the electrical connection identical to 312S other than removable headshell aspect.