Technics: PLINTHS: Dobbins, Porter, or Thompson?


Trying to decide among Steve Dobbins', Albert Porter's or Christopher Thompson's plinth for my Technics SP10 MkIIa TT. Each person has but a great deal of thought and experimentation into their product.

I'm looking for input, suggestions and opinions --based on experience-- about the best plinth for my listening preferences. They are: musically authentic, neutral, evenly balanced top to bottom and completely transparent.

I prefer to feel that I am being transported to the recording venue than that the musicians are in my listening room. My system is the Aurum Acoustics Integris. The preamp and phono pre are integrated in the Aurum CDP. I plan to use a Reed 12" arm.

Has any of you heard one or more of these plinths in use with an SP10 MkII TT? I am very interested to learn your thoughts and listening impressions.

I've asked, but there are no Thompson or Porter plinths close enough for me to audition here in the Northeast, or have I missed one?

Thanks very much for any help or suggestions you can provide.

Happy Thanksgiving,

I have not heard any of these plinths but I can say that Albert Porter is a class gentlemen who I wouldn't hesitate to buy from. I have no doubt his plinths are outstanding. Steve Dobbins I know of only by reputation but I don't think you can go wrong there either.
Another "brand" of plinths you might consider is OMA slate plinths from Jonathan Weiss. If your from the northeast they have a showroon in NYC. At the least you would get a chance to hear an SP 10 in a proper plinth. They also make a SP 10 where the individual components are taken out of the metal casing and individually mounted in a 200 pound plinth. You can check out their plinths, etc. on their website.
Dear Cdk84: None, go naked IMHO nothing even or meet it on quality performance:

I heard two of the ones you mentioned and I like Halcro and other Agon friend have naked version with very good results.

It is easy to do it and less expensive if you don't like it then you almost lose nothing and you could go for the other alternatives.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I would second the OMA route. I have an sp-10 mk2, it's fantastic and dealing with Jonathan has always Bern extremely possitive.
i've had three plinths from Steve Dobbins; a Technics SP-10 Mk2 like you are asking about, a Garrard 301, and a Technics SP-10 Mk3. i sold my Mk2 plinth when i got my Mk3.

now i've traded my Mk3 for Steve's new tt, 'The Beat'.

Steve does more than build plinths, he also does a good deal of updating to the tt's themselves and power supplies as needed.

i've heard Albert's plinth in his room (it was a Mk3) and Jonathan's tt's at RMAF, although not specifically the Mk2 plinth.

you cannot go wrong with any of these guys.

there are things i like about Steve's plinths which stand out to me (not that any of the other's might not excell in these areas too). Steve's plinths i think are very energetic sounding and tonally neutral. they don't seem to have a sonic signature of their own. they are engineered as a constrained layered design so are predictably neutral, natural, and alive sounding. this is very important to me. i have my Rockport sitting next to these tt's for a reference as well as my big RTR tape machines, and all of Steve's plinths as well as 'The Beat' can hold their own and then some.

i surely recommend Steve's work and both Albert and Jonathan's to the degree i've heard them.. i don't know anything about Thorton (Thompson).
I have the SP-10 Black Emerald mahogany plinth built by Chris Thornton (featured on his web site) and I can assure you that anything you buy from Chris will be of the highest quality. It sounds absolutely wonderful and is built to the same meticulous standards as the plinths of other gentlemen mentioned on this blog. Chris carefully checks out each turntable before he begins his restoration and update mods and will not accept anything that is not up to his high standards to begin with. You can read more about Chris's services at If you buy from Chris, you will not be unhappy!