This comment is from another OP that I started:
"Final comments: shortly after posting this thread, I sourced a practically new Dynavector 20X2H for my Classic. This cartridge was easy and forgiving to set up and sounded very good, especially "sans" rubber mat. I liked it very much as an all-around cartidge. But that's not the end of the tale.
"Fortunately I purchased the 2M Black from an incredibly nice guy whi is unbelieveably honorable. Upon learning of my difficulties with the 2M, even with full disclosure that the problem might relate to other issues, he offered to take it back with a full refund. In addition, I sold my Clear Audio cartridges for scrap value.
"Now, enter the Zephyr. As luck would have it, one came on the market about a week ago, and I snapped it up. Just got it yesterday. I am amazed at how good it sounds. If anyone is interested in learning about the reactions of other A'gon members, as well as my impressions, there is a thread running that was started by someone else. Check it out.
"Last comment about the DV 20X2H and the Zephyr. I am using the Zephyr as my primary cartridge with the DV 20X as a back-up. Obviously, I like the Zephyr more, hands down. BUT, the DV 20X is so good, I can't part with it. I may need it one day.
"Best to all and a sincere thanks for all the helpful suggestions."