Wayne.., how well does yhour Ortofon 2M Black mate with the Classic 1's 10.5i SE arm? I tried it several months ago and had problems. Still not sure if my problems related to compatibility, or the carty's output voltage, or even a defective carty.
I found the 2M to be very bright and analytical to the point of listening fatigue. In addition, the output distorted (hissed and crackled) when the sylus tracked record grooves with high-dynamic music. I have since switched over to the DV 20X2H and the SS VPI Zephyr and am quite satisfied.
I found the 2M to be very bright and analytical to the point of listening fatigue. In addition, the output distorted (hissed and crackled) when the sylus tracked record grooves with high-dynamic music. I have since switched over to the DV 20X2H and the SS VPI Zephyr and am quite satisfied.