VPI Classic hum

Got mine a few weeks ago. Installed it with a high-output Benz Ace H cartridge. Loved the sound but there was a hum when I turned the preamp volume past the 10 o'clock position. Later changed to a Clearaudio Concerto, the hum was quieter, but wouldn't go away no matter what I tried.

Then I read the manual closely, and it said something about using shielded interconnects. So I tried a pair of Rega Couple wires, which are made from Klotz cable, and are shielded.

And you know what, the hum just vanished! Now I'm at peace ...

Just to share with those have hum issues with the Classic. Do share your solutions.

Exactly the issue I have. That being said, I have not had much time to work on this. But a bunch of research finds that this cart., needs the arm down 2 degrees headshell to pivot point. I had gotten this from a few people, and then also checked with VPI, as I know they tested all the 2M cartridges. Mike tells me that the 2M Black is an excellent match, as they have run them, but also said the arms needs to be dropped down about 2 degrees down towards the pivot point. Digging further, 2 degrees lower at the pivot is quite a bit, when you realize how much it takes to lower the arm 2 degrees. So I need to work on this a bit.
Vinyl_lover31, glad to see it's worked out. That is the great thing about dealing with VPI.

I asked Mike to explain the word "drey", he replied back that never heard this word before and it might be a typo.
Mike should know better. If not Mike, then Harry. It's Yiddish and mean obsessing about something to the point the victim gets a head-ache or very aggravated. The full expression is "don't drey my kupf." Don't give me a headache.
Wayne..., sorry I'm a little confused. In setting up VTA for the 2M, does this 2 degree adjustment mean the back side of the carty should be raised a little via the VTA mechanism. If VTA is raised that way, then the back end of the carty will ride just a little higher than the front end. So, if one could actually measure the position of the tone arm, it would not be horizontal. Instead, the tone arm would ride at a slight angle -- 2 degrees as measured from the stylus tip.

Does my question make sense?