Decent p-mount table?

Technics or others make a decent table?
The Technics SL-MA1 looked to be a pretty good top end unit of that era. If I were to want a P-Mount table I'd look at finding one of these, though I'm sure they don't go for pennies on the used circuit.
The SL 7, 10 or 15 are good; I use to sell them and often had one in my system.
The Technics SL-10 and 15 are great. These two table were originally sold with EPS-310MC moving-coil cartridge which was specifically for the tables. If you can find one with the cartridge it would be a huge score. Without the cartridge they are great tables which work well with most P-mounts.

SL-10=full auto
SL-15=full auto and programable.
I still have an SL-10. I haven't played it in awhile. I might have to fire it up. It benefitted from being placed on a Townshend seismic sink. It is currently fitted with an Ortofon OM20 cartridge. I have the original MC cartridge which I never used very much. I would guess the suspension isn't all that great after sitting in a box for 25 years. Records with a bit of warp at the outer edge always presented a problem due to the clamshell design whereby they would rub and alter the speed stability. The same record would play fine on a conventional table. I would love to use it in my secondary system but space is non existent.