Is it ok to use Zero dust on A-90 ?

Or should I only use stylus brush as Ortofon recommend?
Dear Mesael: First step IMHO to take care on your cartridge stylus is that your LP/records be in pristine condition every time you heard it.

Almost any cleaning fluid works to mantain your stylus, Last or Discwasher stylus fluid cares makes good job.
Depending on how many hours you play daily you will determine if the stylus needs this kind of cleaning every day or every two-three days opr every week only. In between you could use the stylus brush as Ortofon recommend.

This is my opinion and the way I make/made my stylus cartridges maintenance, other persons has different process on that subject.

Regards and enjoy the music,
i'll add my 2 cents to Doug and Raul, the biggest issue is clean records to begin with. if they are mostly clean then you minimize the build up which increases the groove temperature and cakes the schmutz on the stylus.

i have 2 A90's and use the Zero Dust every few records very lightly and then the Magic Eraser every 10 Lps or so. but almost all my Lps are cleaned freshly on an Audio Desk RCM. the Audio Desk unit does not vacuum to dry so it does not add static; which reduces the tendencey for dirt to be attracted to the Lp surface.

if i play used records that i've not cleaned then i'm cleaning the stylus once a side.

i almost never use a liquid stylus cleaner as i'm concerned about it wicking into the coils and Cartridge body.

i'm sure there are multiple correct approaches, this is just mine.
Best you can do is to look for AT-637

Syntax, I've got one of them from years back. I got a bit hesitant to use it on my expensive carts.

No problems using it long term ?

looks like I should put a battery in it and use it again?
No problems using it long term ?

Don't worry, I use that one for > 10 years, best results.

I should put a battery in it ...

Sounds good :-)