Canada Rocks: 70s lost lps pt 2...

Our friends to the North who guzzle beer and impart violence on each other on skates..on ice...with sticks...have a quirky rock heritage...Prism, Saga, Triumph, Trooper, etc...any other "under the radar" Canucks that rock?
The east coast has produced some great well-known and lesser known artists: Sloan Great Big Sea, being a couple of the former. Peter Elka, who I believe is still recording 'solo' had a really terrific alt-pop band called Local Rabbits, they put out I think 3 really well made and catchy CDs in the 90's, but definitely under the radar.
On the west coast we had in particular the Grapes of Wrath that were a real standout to me.
In the 70's one of my faves was Crowbar, insane marathon live shows. Another insane (one man) live show is Ashley MacIsaac.
Colin James is a Canadian if I remember correctly and even though the Wilson sisters are from Seattle the band Heart formed in Vancouver BC.
IMHO excellent obscure early 70s heavy rock from acquired taste of course...
Warpig, Blind Ravage, Ellison and Connexion for example