Schroder sq and the new talea

I heard there was to be a fun time of learning and comparing of these two arms at the rmaf. Since the talea is relatively new, it still has to stand the test of time with comparisons on other tables, other systems and the selective and subjective tastes of discerning audiophiles! There is to be a comparison in one of the rooms at the rmaf this year, which i wasnt able to make. I would be curious to hear some judicial, diplomatic, friendly talk about how they compared to each other in the same system and room. I currently own the origin live silver mk3 with a jan allaerts mc1bmk2 and am enjoying this combo but have become curious about the more popular "superarms" Hats off to both frank and joel.

I hope this thread draws more light rather than heat. If someone preferred one arm over the other it would be OK. With all the variables it doesnt mean that much to me. What matters to me is what it sounds like to me and in my room. With that said...

What was your bias? was it for the schroder or the talea?

Cousinbillyl, seems like most of your questions are answered but the loading. I think you will find the loading to be not that critical. With LOMC cartridges, the inductance of the cartridge and the capacitance of the cable can form a tuned radio frequency circuit. What the load is doing is reducing the 'Q' of the circuit- detuning it. It has to be right value to do this.

However, a lot has to do with the RF immunity of the phono preamp. So in general you will find that the more the preamp is upset by ultrasonic RF noise, the more critical the load becomes. With our stuff the big thing you hear is reduced noise in the background- not too much on the tonality side. This suggests that the phono stage does not care too much if RF is present (as happens with an unloaded cartridge) at its input.

Clear as mud?? -have a good weekend!
Dear Vertigo: IF you want a good alternaive to almost any other tonearm name it here this one could help you:

owners said is the best and the one to go.

Regards and enjoy the music,
or you can choose between these:

Have fun!
Thank you Ralph (Atmasphere)

I will not worry about loading until I get a better handle on the arm / cart combo.

I did take about 3 hours of slow, careful, assembly/aligning before I even tried an album.

Let me start by saying that I am unquallified to discuss the Talea 11 / Allnic Puritas combo. There is something definately different that I can't get my head around. The first album I put on was an 180 gm version of Sarah Vaughn. What I heard was too clear, too focused, too relaxed. This is something I am totally unaccustomed to.

I just listened to Dire Straits Communique, 180 gm,......, absolutely fabulous, but still too clear.

I should not have sold my ZYX Universe so quick. You should never change two things at once.

I will now go and listen to Cat Stevens 'Tea for the Tillerman', and Bruce Cockburn 'Love will find a way'. These are two of my favorite ablums. This should help me figure out what's happening.
What do you mean by "too clear"? I ask because "clear" would seem to be a desirable quality, and I don't know that one can have too much of it. Do you mean to imply that the sound is "clinical", in the way that solid state can sound if you are used to tubes? Yes, it would have been best to listen to the Talea initially in an otherwise totally familiar milieu (i.e., with the ZYX). Still got the Koetsu? Oh, and does the Talea beat up on the RS-A1? It's probably a silly question.

Out of curiosity, what happens with the early adopters who bought the Talea I? Do/did they get an upgrade?