No More TT Feedback

I consider myself a fairly intelligent guy. I've been thinking my TT feedback problem was related to support vibration. If you have been following this saga, you will know I've tried spikes,foam, even built a separate platform (I needed that anyway) for my TT accessories and the TT itself. I was having a couple "Dos Equis" and I got this idea to add weight to the TT. As the record was playing, I carefully put down a cloth on my dustcover (I hear the high end tables do not have dustcovers) and put aprox 5 lbs of dead weight on top. BINGO! My vibration problem was non-existent. My dustcover is hinged in the back and the front corners were not completely touching the TT base. Therefore the dustcover and would build-up harmonic vibrations eventually being picked-up by the tonearm. Even with the cover open, it would still vibrate, so I never associated the cover with my problem. As soon as I added the weight, it made the dust cover touch and no more vibration/feedback. I tell you this running the risk of coming off as a fool, because I didn't want anyone else to make the same mistake.
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Back when I had a TT with a hinged dustcover, I would just remove the dust cover while I was playing. I never liked them and never played a record with the cover down over the table. If the cover was not removable, I would play records with the dust cover up. I had always heard it wasnt't the best thing to play a record wth the dust cover down on the TT (years ago, while I was growing up).
Thanks for the thread it motivated me to remove my CDP from the rack with my TT allowing me to fill the rack's tubes with cat litter/pea gravel mix (will replace with Micro Bearings or sand blasting shot). This removed some vibrations especially in the very low end and improved the stability of the rack.
You never know who your going to help, thanks again for getting me started!!!
Always remove the dust cover from its hinges is the best way to go as it is a major collector of acoustic energy that rattles the table. Also, look into getting some 'moon gel' pads for use under the table. The latter, found at musicians supply stores, for less then six dollars, will help. Moon gel is used by drummers to diminish vibrations.