What I learned on Audiogon This Year

Things I learned from the forums this year:

1) In n Out Burger is the best fast food in the world, and Father's Office is the best Burger in LA (thanks BongoFury).

2) Widespread Panic and Arcade Fire are great bands.

3) All Digital is the wave of the future through downloads and analog is dead.

4) Analog is back to audio dominance and will continue to grow, digital is a trend and will die off except for convenience sake.

5) Don't ever say anything derogitory regarding certain types of gear that are defended by thier ______-mafia gangs. Especially___________________________.

6) Expensive Power cords are a still the biggest snake oil in audio.

7) Speakers are the most important place to start building a system.

8) Analog sounds better than digital.

9) Blu Ray is dead in the water, downloads for all media, video and audio is now the standard and will only continue to grow.

10) This is not a hobby, but a terrible affliction/addiction, and I need to change out some more gear.
Just outta curiosity, since, prerecorded reel to reel is about as common as flying pigs and predated digital, I wonder where all those magic tracks come from?? Surely not those junk catridges on multi-distorting turntables???
You just have to have connections in the industry to get those magic tapes. Some audiophiles never even bothered with vinyl. Other than that, yeah, it's tough shit.
I would think if you had those connections, you could make a pretty good sideline here outta selling rtr machines and those bootlegs. wtf , my wife would love for me to add another guargantuan piece of 'memorabalia' to our living space.
Mickeyf and Inna - of course a fantastic copy of a master tape which was recorded well (!!!) is unbeatable. I like listening to well recorded master tape copies pretty much - and yes you get some software but good tapes are limited. We have to be aware that vinyl carries the biggest music resource on this planet and there are exceptional good old recordings and pressings out which transferred by the right analogue chain makes your heart beat, or... not.
Of course. I myself have no such connections. So let us continue to scratch the vinyl; that's the best we got.