Let the cartridge break in before doing the audiophile dance and spending money on something that will fix itself.
The cartridge needs at least 30 hours to settle in and become stable, make sure your table room temp is at 70 degrees because if it is lower it will never meet Lyra's specs. When setting the VTF remember, the arm must be parallel to the platter when sitting on the gauge and then made parallel to the record when playing, otherwise what you set is not what you get. If you need it use a little damping and if you need it a bit of mechanical anti-skate.
Serious business, never believe what a dealer tells you, they are a profit driven item and need the money to live, therefore what they sell or have in the back room is the best!! Another important point, they want to sell what you cannot get from another dealer at a discount price so that you will need them!!!!!!!
Notice that the million dollar system in Stereophile this month has a Classic feeding it, notice that HP says the Classic challenges the $150K table in house, notice the Classic was product of the year in Germany, England, France, and 2 Golden ears in the US. Notice the Rim Drive was product of the year in Stereophile. Notice - we do no advertising!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our distributor in Japan is Esoteric and was Scan-Tech for 10 years, but they can't hear either!
But what do they know, believe a dealer that makes money on the sale instead!!